Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Experience, an advertisement from Virginians for Wagner, highlighting the reasons that Jody has what it takes to lead Virginia. This video demonstrates that Jody has the fiscal experience to help Virginia by highlighting Virginia's ranking as the best state for business and the best managed state during her tenure. The ad also appeals to family values, noting that Virginia was also ranked the best state to raise a child. The final message, that Jody cares more about the next generation than the next election, demonstrates that she is running to do the right thing for all Virginians.
A Real Problem Solver with Experience
The tagline of the Post's article is "In Virginia, a problem-solver is better than a pol." Jody's resume demonstrates that she is a problem-solver, and voters in Virginia can be confident that if elected, she will continue to use her skills to solve the problems that face Virginians.
The article notes: "Unlike the usual run of officeholders in Richmond, she is more pragmatist and problem solver than partisan political warrior. As the only one of the six statewide candidates to have had hands-on experience with the state's budget, she would be uniquely well placed to serve as a resource for whichever candidate is elected."
The economy is one of the biggest issues facing voters next Tuesday. The Washington Post's endorsement demonstrates that Jody has the experience to be a valuable asset to the Commonwealth as Lieutenant Governor. As the lone statewide candidate to have real experience with Virginia's budget, Jody clearly stands above her opponent.
The Washington Post endorsement can be found here:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Republicans: Moving Virginia Backwards
But being a realistic student of politics, this is easier said than done... which makes me wonder, what will happen if Republicans sweep the board on November 3rd? What will Virginia look like with Republicans running Virginia. Well, the citizens of Virginia need to prepare themselves for serious movement... and I mean serious movement backwards. McDonnell's thesis has been gone over with a fine-tooth comb and everyone knows he has touted terrible ideas concerning women and gays and their harmful effects on society. But most people will argue that was 20 years ago and McDonnell has "changed". Ok fine. But what about now? McDonnell, Bolling, and Cuccinelli all have taken drastic legislative action to prohibit a woman's right to choose. Are we really prepared as citizens to move backwards nearly four decades? McDonnell sponsored legislation 35 times that prohibits giving women the right to choose... and supports prohibiting women from obtaining an abortion even in the case of rape or incest. Ken Cuccinelli has submitted legislation as well. And Bill Bolling, one of the few times he decided to show up for work, was the deciding vote in the Senate on an amendment to cut funding from Planned Parenthood because the organization provides abortion services. Seriously people? These three straight, white, male, middle to upper-class leaders are supposed to be representing the interests of all Virginians? Frankly, this is a terrifying thought. Electing the Republicans will only be moving Virginia backwards.
Jody Wagner, the only female running in one of the major state races, will represent every person in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her recent endorsement by Equality Virginia (EV) shows that she will stand for equality for families, workplace protection, and hate crime legislation. EV CEO Jon Blair said, "In every respect, Jody Wagner has demonstrated that she will walk with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Virginians on the path to full equality."
I sincerely hope the Democrats and Republicans who went blue in 2008 will turnout to vote for Jody Wagner on Nov. 3rd and keep Virginia moving forwards... not backwards.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Supporting a Public Option
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
WWJD... On Spending?
Jody Wagner has no interest in spending Virginia into the ground, despite what her opposition may say. Her goal is to improve the state, and has made job-growth her number one priority. The facts show that Virginia has consistently been ranked a best state to do business, raise a family, and is a best-managed state. Jody's practical experience with monetary policy makes her an asset to Virginia, and citizens of the Commonwealth would be lucky to have her.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Clips from Jody Wagner vs. Bill Bolling Debate
From their first and only debate. Bolling used the phrase "that was a meaningless platitude about nothing" to describe something that Jody Wagner said. Personally, I like my politicians to by more articulate than that. He also accused her of running a "dishonest, deceitful, hypocritical campaign." Real mature.
If I find the whole debate online I will post the link. I bet some of the other bloggers have things to say about what may be the most important event in this Virginia Lieutenant Governor election.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
- she has ample experience in both the private sector and public administration
- she is a mother of four bright, happy children and cares deeply about education on a personal level
- she is a small business owner who fully understands the needs of the Virginian worker, and is genuinely dedicated to the cause of creating jobs
- as Secretary of Finance she has first hand experience handling the economy that her opponent simply lacks
- she is brilliant and educated and a down-home Virginian who wants to improve her home state for completely altruistic reasons
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Jody Wagner's campaign narrative: Bill Bolling is a no-show
The video features Vietnam veteran and Virginia Delegate Bob Brink. The Lieutenant Governor of Virginia sits on an advisory board important to veterans' issues. Apparently Bill Bolling never showed up to any of the board meetings, essentially meaning that Bill Bolling doesn't care about veterans. This is just another example to reinforce the narrative coming out of the Jody Wagner campaign: Bill Bolling is a lazy no-show who doesn't care enough about his job or Virginia to ever show up. Whatever the Commonwealth is paying Bill Bolling to pretend to be Lieutenant Governor, it is far too much.
If I were working for the Jody Wagner campaign I would be repeating this narrative every chance I got. Messaging works because of repetition and truth. The truth seems to be that Bill Bolling doesn't take his job seriously enough to show up to work. Now the Wagner campaign just needs to loudly keep repeating that truth until election day.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Lieutenant Governor's Debate
The debate will be held on Monday, October 19 at 7:00 pm at Olin Hall in Roanoke College in Salem, and will be sponsored by the Young Lawyers Division of the Virginia Bar Association.
The full article can be seen here:
The Importance of Voting
Over the past several elections, Virginians have chosen Democrats to move the Commonwealth forward. Allowing the Republicans to win on November 3rd would move Virginia backwards.
Virginians have had the opportunity to read Bob McDonnell's thesis over the past several weeks and see the views that he holds about women and families. The Washington Times, in an article published today, notes that Republican Attorney General candidate Ken Cuccinelli has "...described himself as perhaps the most conservative State Senator from Northern Virginia in his lifetime."
The leadership of Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Ken Cuccinelli would erase the progress that has been made in Virginia. It is important that Democrats across the state realize the importance of the election on November 3rd and come out to the polls in support of Creigh Deeds, Jody Wagner, and Steve Shannon.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
WWJD ... on taxes?
Now we need to have an honest discussion about taxes. “Taxes” is a dirty word in politics… in most states, especially a traditionally red state, taxes = political suicide. But people tend to forget that governments cannot function without revenue. The school bus that takes your kids to school cannot run without revenue. The crossing guards at the local elementary school cannot help your kids cross the street without revenue. Stoplights, education, construction projects, and hundreds of buildings, roads, and programs cannot exist without revenue. And where does revenue come from? Oh right… TAXES! The state of Virginia is not invincible to the global recession. Everyone is hurting right now. Unemployment is touching every corner of the country, and Bill Bolling’s ads claiming Jody is responsible for job losses are ridiculous and wasteful rhetoric. So when the state is crying for better roads and improved transportation, no one thinks the money to pay for them is going to appear out of thin air. And McDonnell’s ideas about drilling offshore for oil to improve roads are laughable. What we need is to have an open and honest discussion about finding diverse ways to raise revenue, even if that does mean some tax increases.
Excluding tax raises from the discussion is politically expedient and dangerous to future generations. Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell plan to avoid making the tough decisions and say whatever is necessary to get elected, all the while kicking the bucket further down the road for other officials to deal with later. The fact is that Jody and Governor Kaine have made hard and painful cuts, and in doing so managed to balance the state budget WITHOUT raising taxes. But the current taxes in place aren’t paying for what they need to. The gasoline tax (one of the lowest in the country) is not raising the revenue needed to make drastic changes in transportation. People are driving more fuel-efficient cars and the funding just isn’t there. At a Fairfax Democratic Club meeting a citizen stated, "I drive the roads, and I don't like sitting in long lines, so I don't mind paying more, because I'm using it…Why can't we add 10 cents more? Would that do it?" In response Wagner said "It is not the ultimate panacea we would like to think it is. So, ultimately, that is not the ultimate solution. It may be a bridge. But, ultimately, we're going to have to be more diverse in the way we handle it…” Clearly Jody is interested in having a discussion about realistic ways to improve Virginia’s roads (not drilling for oil). In my opinion, when you have an open and honest discussion about taxes and really think about what they are used for, maybe some increases don’t sound so bad.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Jody vs. Bill on the Environment
Young people tend to care more about environmental issues than older folks. As a young voter I think its necessary to look into the respective positions of Jody Wagner and Bill Bolling when it comes to the environment. Both of the candidates have sections related to the environment and energy on their websites:
Jodi Wagner:
Bill Bolling:
Now it’s hard to tell if Bill Bolling actually denies the science of climate change, but its resoundingly clear from his platform that he doesn’t think it’s a problem. He wants to drill for oil off of Virginia’s shores – a plan that isn’t going to make the price of gas go down, will ruin the ocean views in some of Virginia’s most popular tourist locales, and put beaches at the risk of devastating oil spills. Bolling also believes in the magic unicorn of global warming solutions: clean coal. He mentions clean coal on his energy page as if it were a viable technology. He fails to mention if he is talking about coal that doesn’t make as much smog or coal that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases (there's a huuuuuuge difference).
His belief in the drill-baby-drill fantasy and the mythology of clean coal doesn’t suggest he understands other environmental issues very well. On the other hand, Jody Wagner has a detailed plan for creating green jobs in the renewable energy and efficiency sectors. In fact, conservation groups in
The Virginia League of Conservation Voters has endorsed Jodi Wagner over Bill Bolling:
The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club also endorsed Jodi Wagner:
Jody's New Ad
The ad's focus on Jody's economic achievements highlights her strengths that can really help Virginia. The entire country is feeling the effects of the recession, and Virginia is no exception. Jody's record demonstrates that she has strong economic credentials. As Lieutenant Governor, her experience will be a strong asset to people across the state.
During Jody's tenure, Virginia was ranked Best Managed State, Best State to Raise a Child, and Best State for Business four years in a row. This demonstrates that Jody really does have what it takes to be an effective leader and to find solutions for the people of Virginia.
By putting this ad on television, people across the state will have a chance to learn about Jody's record of leadership and will be able to see that she is the kind of leader that Virginia needs in these tough economic times. Jody will bring her strong background and experience to the office of Lieutenant Governor and will help create jobs and find solutions to the difficult problems that face Virginians.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Voter Registration Deadline TODAY Oct. 5th
Registration applications must be postmarked by October 5 or hand delivered to the local or state registrar's office by close of business. Registration applications can also be filled out at any local DMV.
The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 27 if you want a ballot mailed to your home.
Friday, October 2, 2009
No Show Campaign Video
Thursday, October 1, 2009
WWJD... for Women?
Every other TV commercial I see these days is a battle between Deeds and McDonnell over who represents women better. Perhaps both of these candidates have ideas about how they are the right choice for female voters, but slinging mud instead of having real discussions, could begin to alienate women.
You may wonder why is everyone courting female voters? In addition to the McDonnell thesis drama, in Virginia, women make up 54% of registered voters. That is quite a lot, and that number continues to grow. According to the Washington Post on September 30, "Since the 1980's, as women have entered the workplace in increasing numbers and taken on greater financial responsibility for their families, they have made up an increasing proportion of the electorate."
Instead of spending an enormous amount of money on TV ads to tell everyone how she is the right choice for women, Jody is leading by example. Jody has raised four children, runs a small business, has been a leader in her community, served as State Treasurer, and was the first female Secretary of Finance. Her dedication to promoting job growth, building a greener economy, and improving education shows that she is ready and willing to tackle the big issues that impact all Virginians.
Jody is paving the way for women across Virginia not through empty words, but by actively working to make the Commonwealth a better place for every person male OR female.