Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fun Clip for the Day

Who said campaigns aren't funny?


Nothing better than a woman with a sense of humor and the record to back it up!

What WOULD Jody Do?

Welcome to "What Would Jody Do?" 
presented by 
Students for Jody Wagner!

Jody Wagner is the Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. Let's start off this blog with a quick introduction to Ms Wagner and an issue troubling most voters this election season (no, not swine flu)-- the economy.

As a resident of the great state of Virginia for more than 25 years, Wagner certainly understands the issues Virginians care about, and she has the experience and dedication to tackle our most troubling obstacles.

While serving as Treasurer of Virginia under Governor Mark Warner, Wagner faced our country's economic hardships and worked tirelessly to ease the pinch Virginian's were feeling. As a small-business owner herself, she appreciates how the consequences of legislative decisions have a very direct effect on constituents, and she can personally empathize with her fellow Virginians.

She was later appointed to the position of Secretary of Finance under Governor Tim Kaine, who raves about the work she has done to keep Virginian families and businesses from falling under:

"Jody Wagner’s fiscal stewardship is one of the reasons why Virginia has been named best managed state and best state to do business. Her dedication and talents have secured Virginia’s triple A bond rating and helped keep Virginia on the right track in a challenging economic environment." (

Wagner is also a member of the Virginia Small Business Authority, and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

With our economy in such turmoil, can we afford to turn over power to anyone with less experience? Both in the professional, political field and on a personal level as a small business owner and mother of four, Wagner has the experience this job requires.