Monday, October 26, 2009

Republicans: Moving Virginia Backwards

The November 3rd statewide election seems to be looking grim for those hoping Virginia will remain blue for another four years. The polls all have the Republicans leading the Democrats by sizable margins. However, one must keep in mind that polls are only snapshots in time and that polling trends show the true nature of the race. Weeks ago pollsters had Jody Wagner trailing Bill Bolling by 15% points, while a Clarus poll last week had her gaining significantly with a difference of only 7% points. This is impressive considering she started out as an unknown candidate and is running against an incumbent with significantly higher name recognition. The campaign is going to have to put all of its efforts into mobilizing the voters who turned out to support Democrats in 2008.

But being a realistic student of politics, this is easier said than done... which makes me wonder, what will happen if Republicans sweep the board on November 3rd? What will Virginia look like with Republicans running Virginia. Well, the citizens of Virginia need to prepare themselves for serious movement... and I mean serious movement backwards. McDonnell's thesis has been gone over with a fine-tooth comb and everyone knows he has touted terrible ideas concerning women and gays and their harmful effects on society. But most people will argue that was 20 years ago and McDonnell has "changed". Ok fine. But what about now? McDonnell, Bolling, and Cuccinelli all have taken drastic legislative action to prohibit a woman's right to choose. Are we really prepared as citizens to move backwards nearly four decades? McDonnell sponsored legislation 35 times that prohibits giving women the right to choose... and supports prohibiting women from obtaining an abortion even in the case of rape or incest. Ken Cuccinelli has submitted legislation as well. And Bill Bolling, one of the few times he decided to show up for work, was the deciding vote in the Senate on an amendment to cut funding from Planned Parenthood because the organization provides abortion services. Seriously people? These three straight, white, male, middle to upper-class leaders are supposed to be representing the interests of all Virginians? Frankly, this is a terrifying thought. Electing the Republicans will only be moving Virginia backwards.

Jody Wagner, the only female running in one of the major state races, will represent every person in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her recent endorsement by Equality Virginia (EV) shows that she will stand for equality for families, workplace protection, and hate crime legislation. EV CEO Jon Blair said, "In every respect, Jody Wagner has demonstrated that she will walk with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Virginians on the path to full equality."

I sincerely hope the Democrats and Republicans who went blue in 2008 will turnout to vote for Jody Wagner on Nov. 3rd and keep Virginia moving forwards... not backwards.

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